
Today’s students are online. They are surfing the web, exchanging email, conversing in chat rooms, downloading music and on occasion, writing and researching term papers.

Goodgrades Digital Media capitalizes on this new online culture by bringing critical educational resources to their computer. In doing so, a student can access it anytime, anywhere as long as there is a computer with an internet connection. Since text, video, audio and other elements of digital technology are available online and in one textbook, the student has access to everything – right at their fingertips; and at a price usually lower than many print textbooks.

Goodgrades Digital Media also enable authors the freedom to produce a variety works that can include video, audio, and downloadable elements. Authors can also continually update and modify their works as needed. All of these features are encapsulated within a simple, user-friendly interface.

Goodgrades Digital Media. Meeting the needs of students and educators, interactively.